Welcome to your Organization Virtual Readiness Assessment. You have exclusive access to this Virtual Work Readiness Assessment that can be adapted to initially assess any organization's readiness for a mobile, virtual, flexible work environment.

There is no actual score to this assessment. It is a way to initiate conversations and information gathering. It provides a guideline for what aspects of the organization impact (or are impacted by) working virtually.

Upon analysis of your organization's readiness, you may want to get a complete assessment with the help of professionals. Trina Hoefling and Kathy Kacher are available at The Smart Workplace to provide coaching and consultation. The Smart Workplace can also assist your organization with professional organization assessments conducted by TSW experts.

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What is the attitude towards virtual work here? (Seen as mainstream, special circumstances, exception, perk?)

Does the organization’s budget adequately support equipping and supporting remote team members?

Are mechanisms in place for knowledge management, access and sharing?

Can information be shared quickly and fully enough, regardless of location?

How do the organization’s culture and values support or contradict virtual work?

Do the collaborative tools function in a way that is easy and supports business processes and people’s needs?

What is the organization's overall management style? Communication style? Meeting style?

Do all have needed access to tools and training?

How does the organization handle equipment and network issues?

Will any additional long-term IT support be needed for virtual workers?

Do team members know how to fully utilize the collaborative communication tools available, and are they comfortable sustaining relationships through tool usage?

Will virtual work have any impact on the customer that needs to be considered?

Is bandwidth adequate everywhere it will be needed?

How might security policies need to change in an electronically connected environment?

How might the way teams work together change if virtual teams are implemented?

How supportive is the union regarding virtual work?

What is your competition doing with virtual work?

How well are facilities designed to accommodate more team meeting spaces? Drop-in cubicles?

What communication plans, educational campaigns, and other change management strategies need to be implemented?

What resources (time, facilities, budget) are set aside for virtual team development and project planning activities?

Which job families and functions are virtually conducive?

What are the management constraints? Supports? At what levels or divisions?

How do remote locations communicate and report to the rest of the organization?

How is productivity measured? How will that change virtually?

What are the Human Resources constraints or supports? Training?

Overall, what do people like about virtual work or teams? Dislike?

How committed is the organization’s leadership to virtual work as a strategic initiative?

What systems are set up that support and measure virtual work?

What beliefs does your organization have about compensation and incentives? Do these change in a team or virtual environment?

Do performance reviews recognize work across boundaries and collaboration?

How are employees career pathed? How will that change in a virtual environment?

How well do current business processes support virtual workflows?

Are Human Resources, Organization Development, Corporate Communications, and other functions able to adjust their delivery mechanisms and policies or procedures to support virtual work? How does training currently get done? How is that impacted by remote employees?

Do people know how to fully utilize collaborative apps and digitial tools?

How well do team leaders rally their teams around a common purpose, and maintain commitment and productivity, regardless of virtual team members?

Can delivery systems get resources and tools to the people when needed, regardless of location?

Can training, product updates, and mentoring be delivered virtually, or in combination with face to face?

Are people trained in remote operations, netiquette and voicemail etiquette?

What is the greatest challenge that a virtual team member faces? A virtual manager?

You've taken a great step to being an even more effective virtual leader!